So they send you to see a councillor, which is a good thing really.
It seems so strange that any old nutter can have a baby naturally, you must see a councillor once if you do it by donation, and if you adopt they come and virtually move in with you before you pass the screening process.
At first I was irritated, thinking that there couldn't possibly be anything that they could throw at me that I hadn't already considered at length. Actually this transpired to be true, but I like the lady alot and what I walked away with was the feeling that what I was doing was 100% right and not only I thought it, but a complete outsider, and one that deals with this on a daily basis, felt the same way too. That's nice feeling because, as we all know, our friends tend to be on our side by default, and if you are the persuasive character that I can be, there's always the nagging feeling that I have conned myself and my pals into believing that this a great idea when in fact there's a good reason it hasn't happened for me.
Yes, I know, that's the negative head talking but we all have one.
She gave me lots of info about support groups which I may or may not attend, I'm a little anti the whole sit in a circle and discuss our problems vibe, but maybe I should be more open minded. I can't imagine wanting to do that when I have a small handful of friends that I trust with my life and know me inside out.
Never say never.
So that's me to date. I have a pre appointment early Sept and I guess the ball rolls in Oct.
For now all's for me to do is enjoy the summer of freedom, tough........
First, let me say, that I love the photo on your post...really nice. Second, you are so right about being put through the ringer because you are making such a 'thought-full' decision to have a child when in the 'real' world any bozo can get pregnant and have a baby without any fore-thought at all. It's all good though, when it just makes you feel surer about this most important life choice. How exciting!
Hi again! Just want to say that first of all, love the photo on this post. Second, you are so right about the fact that any bozo can just decide to have a baby and problem...but when someone like you who is being so 'thought-full' about it, gets put through so much. Oh well, glad it is just re-enforcing your decision. Cheers!
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