They say you get given what you can handle.
Mmmm....that's food for thought.
My latest obstacle is a real curve ball.
Clinic B has discovered that my donor and I are incompatible, not only that but had I gotten pregnant by him I may have had a brain damaged child.
How does one digest this information?
I feel;
1) relieved I didn't get pregnant (how the tables turn).
2) cross about clinic A's negligence and the money I spent there.
3) uninspired by the thought of having to find another donor, the guy I chose was the only 1 in 100's that I was drawn to, it's a depressing and time consuming mission.
4) amazed at what the universe has decided to throw my way.
I'm lost for words.
I long for the day I can write some good news in this ol' diary of mine.
Afterthought = actually I can - I had a AMH ovarian reserve test at clinic B and they found I'm in way better shape than they would have expected for a woman of my age, that equals time, which sure is lucky in light of the above!
Focus on the positive.
After note Sept '09
The clinic actually got the results of this test wrong and I found out 4 months later that I actually have low reserves for my age. This gets better and better....